Mary is applying for government jobs in Washington, DC, but George is concerned that the upcoming 1936 election might put FDR out of office and his administration's hires out of work.
Mary is being dunned by the Draughon's Business College (Tulsa branch) for her school debts and is advised to try to pay it off in installments.
Despite their problems, the Potters have taken in a 7 week old baby and Gladys is looking after the mother, who has been diagnosed with tuberculosis and is not expected to live. Later census records show that mother and baby survived, but they are mentioned in only one later letter (12 April 1935).
Pat (the favorite dog) has wandered off and gotten pregnant, so George expects to have to drown the pups.
"Lillian Johnson Barton": see the mention of the Barton house burning down in the Feb 2 letter. |
"Walt" is George's brother-in-law in East St. Louis, his sister Dora's husband. The "Parkers" are George's sister Emma and her husband Silas Parker in Corry, PA |
Note from Mary Potter. on the reverse of page seven..the four pages of blank writing paper must have been folded over the cash she sent from St. Louis and then reused for this letter. |